ES Llime - Singer/Songwriter   
Ernie's Half Stew
1 lb. beef chuck, cubed 
1 lb. pork loin, cubed
1 onion, chopped 
5 garlic cloves, minced
2 habanero peppers minced
1 red/yellow bell pepper diced.
1 large potato grated.
1/2 a head of Savoy cabbage
1 (15 ounce) can of beans (any color)
1 (6 ounce) can tomato sauce.
1 (10-12 ounce) can peeled tomatoes. 
4 T chili powder 
1 T ground oregano 
2 T cayenne pepper 
2 T canola or vegetable oil
1 (10 ounce) can beef bouillon
1 cup dry white wine 
Salt to taste. 
Method: Heat up a pot on the stove. Pour in the oil and wait 'til it shimmers. Brown the meat on all sides to sear in the juices. Do it in three stages. After each stage, transfer the meat to a larger pot. Add the diced potato the tomato sauce and the and the beef bullion to the larger pot and turn on the burner. Sautee onion & peppers in drippings in the first pot until tender. Add them to the larger pot. Add remaining ingredients except cabbage - mix well. Simmer for 1 1/2  hours stirring occasionally. Add the cabbage and some water if necessary and simmer for 30 more minutes'

T = tablespoon
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