My Unpublished Novel
My Music
Tweets for Writers
The Alzabo Circle
Time Travellers
Panorama Mama
Prophecy #1
Robot in Distress
WIND: A Musical Resurrection Fable - page 2 of 3
Johnny takes her home one night - she has no place to go - so she stays - ugly period - more drugs / alcohol / sex / impotence / puking/etc. - Johnny can't sleep - watching Caprice he visualizes the beauty in her - he starts writing music again -

The music deals with beauty & garbage - heaven & hell - death & re-birth

The music builds them up slowly - he drags her with him - they stop drinking - both get jobs in same 24 hour store but on different shifts - things are looking up - Caprice finds his music - she buys a cheap keyboard and plays / sings the stuff

Caprice works days - the owner knows her from the porn joint / screwed her a few times - he gave them the job so he can have her whenever he wanted - she does not want to anymore - he threatens - she says no again so he frames Johnny for theft - Johnny beats him up - gets arrested -

Out on bail - it's Xmas eve - he has no job / no money - can't face Caprice - goes to the old club/bar - and manages to bum a few drinks - drunk cop drops his gun while leaving - Johnny finds and picks it up -

He goes out with the vague intention of killing himself - in a dark doorway he eats gun - while nerving himself to pull trigger he sees poster of his old band on billboard across the street - points gun at band making bang noises - bartender calls Caprice -

He gains admission to the Garden - Security guy / Johnny's friend (who let him in) calls Caprice -
They band is playing a second, sold out show - the house is transported by the music -

Johnny takes out gun - forces his way on stage - the lead singer / old time best friend stalls security / cops - passes Johnny a mike - Caprice walks into the Garden -

Johnny reads his last song - Warm Suicide - Caprice gets behind keyboard unseen by him - she starts playing the melody - somebody passes him a sax he starts blowing - badly but improving - (work in a priori doctor saying his lungs are fine - so we don't know why he can't play - probably psycho-somatic) - Floodlight on Caprice toasting "Good bye Johnny" out of a flask - She segues into "Hope for the Wretched" and starts singing - Johnny is blowing better than ever -
The music HAS to incorporate "The Pirate's Song" (entire musical interlude.)

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