ES Llime - Singer/Songwriter   


I could start with: first - rent, buy or build  a house or flat, with a good kitchen, but I will assume that you already went through that, so let's skip to the next step. You are reading this because you would like to prepare some dynamite meals. So, let us get started.

The first thing you will do, is buy stuff.

Let me give a few tips that will help you get the best ingredients at the most reasonable price for your area.

  1. When buying fresh unprepared foods, like fruits, vegetables, fish, chicken or other kinds of meat, get to the market, butcher, or fish store as early as possible. If you procrastinate, others will get the best of what is available. The great chefs wake up at the crack of dawn and find the best possible meats, veggies, etc.
  2. When looking for a butcher or a seafood store, make sure the place does not smell. If it does, their meats or fish will probably not be as fresh as you'd like.
  3. When you buy packaged or canned food, read the ingredients. If you do not recognize any of them, do yourself a favor and do not buy that item.
  4. And last, but not least, use a credit card when you pay. A lot of them will give a 5% cash reward. Believe me, it all adds up.
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