ES Llime - Singer/Songwriter   
PREPPING - page 3 of 4
Mirepoix from Wikimedia by Shanu form Pexels  Sofrito from ScrumptiousEarth
Pulse chop all ingredients except EVOO and wine, in food processor. Keep it a bit coarse.

Heat oil in a large pan, once it's shimmering, add your vegetable mix. Lower the heat and sautee for ten minutes stirring occasionally. EVOO has a very low burning point so do not overheat it.

Add wine and sautee for 10 more minutes.

If you are cooking anything else take as much as you need. Let the rest of it cool and place small portions of 1 C each into freezer bags and freeze. They will last up to 6 months and save you some time and work when are cooking next.


Italian Soffritto
3 carrots diced
1 white onion minced
3 celery stalks diced
4 t EVOO
1 glass dry white wine

Prepare it the same way

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