Category Archives: American Injustice
I try to stay away from political issues as much as I can – so, this is not about that. It is about ignorance. As I said, I try to stay away from political issues and I do not even … Continue reading
Amsterdam Urinals These urinals are a common sight in Amsterdam and nobody thinks about them twice. They are of course biased towards women, but I am trying to make a different point. The point is about the mores of different … Continue reading
Donald’s Taxes
Nobody ever went broke underestimating the stupidity of the American people. This phrase is largely attributed to H.L. Mencken, but disputed by some. So, I do not claim to be a great political analyst. I just wonder at the stupidity … Continue reading
To Serve Teens
Everybody understands that to mean that we do not serve alcohol to teens. Very few think about how we really serve teens. We serve them as cannon fodder in Afghanistan, Iraq and many other places. I am going to be … Continue reading