ES Llime - Singer/Songwriter   

Click Petunia's picture to go to the (FREE e-pub) download page for 'Octavio & the Lotus' by N. Pojk (my pen-name for books intended for all ages).

Since my last band broke up, I have been karaoke-ing a lot.
Of course I am singing lead vocal on all tracks.

P.S. - I also write other stuff

Max's backpack
Click the eagle's beak on Max's backpack to go to the (FREE e-pub) download page for 'Clan Santiago' by Emma Felice Ramsey & N. Pojk. My granddaughter Emma was 7 when we started this project. The eagle on Max's backpack explains why he was carried away by a mama eagle.
I did not write any of these songs. Just having some fun singing them., and I have no intention to profit from them in any way. If you want to know the names of the writers, and/or copyright informrion, please look them up in your swearch engine.