The Little Prince

I have managed to get a copy of The Little Prince animated movie. Before anything else, let me just say that I was very relieved to find out that Disney had nothing to do with it. The movie, an English language French production, has already been released in various parts of the world like China, Japan, Brazil and France of course. It actually did very well financially and it is going to see an American release on March 18 2016. The screenplay writers have added a frame story to the original which did not please me that much, because it cut into the time available for the original story. it was however very well made and the frame story was kind of cute. I watched it with my 4 year old granddaughter and at some point in the story, when the little girl was bonding with the old man, she turned around, hugged me and said:
“I love you grandpa.” Someday, this girl might make a great art critic.
I have of course read The Little Prince, actually twice, first in Hebrew and then in English and I loved it both times. I have however forgotten some details so I have just acquired a French copy in e-book format. In addition to refreshing my memory about the story, it will also help me brush up my French. As for the movie, I recommend it highly to children of all ages (like me.)

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