Mia Khalifa

I started this review blog, so that I can write about some things I like. Strong-armed a few others into writing stuff, but it’s mostly a one man show. That is because I have the key – or in this case I’m just the big boss admin. From the start, the idea was to review things we like (meaning things I like.)

Well I really like pussy and so, I was very impressed with the one Mia Khalifa sports between her legs.

O.K. – I just lied, for literary impact purposes. I don’t mean that I did not like Mia’s pussy – it is most acceptable. I was however so much more impressed by her spirit and acumen. Also, if I was a beautiful young woman I would love to have the balls (well, not literally) to do what she did.

To keep it real short, I am basically trying to show my support for Mia. I think that what she did was awesome and I love the way she looks when she is bending over while wearing her glasses. So, more power to you Mia, and I hope my message gets through. I mean all women got tits and ass, but very, very few manage to fashion any kind of statement with them.

So Mia, if you’re ever around NYC and in need of a friend look me up. And no, I do not mean that as a sexual invite.

I just have to add something about her name, because that name seems so strong and wonderful. I am a polyglot, so here’s how that works in head. Mia – is Italian for the possessive ‘my’ but in a feminine sense. And then Khalifa, I am not sure, but a Khalif in the Arab world is a ruler, and possibly a successor of Muhammad. It would never be a woman! I also do not think that a Khalifa would be the Khalif’s wife, but I do love the implications.

Oh, I almost forgot about the tune  – it’s O.K.

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